Deceptions, Deceits ,Lies upon Lies and the Campaign of Calumny by the TAN Thieves Around Nigeria, PNP Predators of Nigerian Posterity et al

Nigerian TV has been flooded recently by many adverts, campaigns by some groups campaigning for President.Goodluck Jonathan highlighting his multiple achievements ( even though they are very few,even where it exists) ,even comparing him with some greats like Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama et al (I see that sacrilegious though). I see the adverts have flooded TV stations like AIT, NTA, STV and many others. Apart from the many lies upon lies that are being told of his achievements where few,even if any exist, I think it’s sacrilegious to compare a snail to a rhinocerous just because both appear “horned”. It’s sacrilegious to compare his works to that of Martin Luther King jnr, Mandela et al,even in the face of blatant lies. At least 2 groups have spearheaded this : Thieves Association of Nigeria who claim to be Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN) and Predators of Nigerian Posterity who falsely claimed they are Protectors of Nigerian Posterity PNP.

The factual point is that we don’t need TAN to come and remind us GEJ achievement if indeed he has performed very well. We have eyes and we can see! One of the things that baffles me in all of these road show is why the eastern part of Nigeria must always be the region to produce the chief executive of such hand twisting organization, in a country of over 150 million people! If at the end of Youth Earnestly Ask of Abacha and Association of Better Nigeria the proprietors disappeared into limbo, is it not enough for the realities of time to be democratic in their choice of leadership for an association that would project the achievements of the current leadership maybe if not for anything just to give a dog a good name. Daniel Kanu, Author Nzeribe and now Chris Mba, they mean danger for this country as far as my opinion is concerned.

We’ve been here before. There was a time we had such ignoble and ubiquitous groups like ABN Association for Better Nigeria, led by Francis Arthur Nzeribe and YEAA Youths Earnestly Ask for Abacha led by Daniel Kanu who had ignoble roles in annulment of June 12 presidential election and the abortive late Emperor.General Sani Abacha (of cursed memory). We know what happened eventually and the bad memories they bring. They surely made bad names for themselves that last till this day. The Good Book says a good name is better than riches. Surely these folks prefer a bad name lasting for generations for filthy lucre,rather than a good name. So bad ! What a pity ! O ma se o,like my big brother – The Oracle usually says. To cap it all,they not only imported all the ignoble Daniel Kanu’s YEAA methods,they went on gathering millions of non existent phantom signatures claiming outrageous numbers in an attempt to “persuade” President.Goodluck Jonathan to contest another term. A person’s good or bad works lives after him and may even trail him till The Judgement Day. What these groups have failed to tell us is the greed behind all these. They have collected huge sums discreetly and hope to collect more.

SOUTHWEST zonal rally in Ibadan produced 1.4million voters signatures asked GEJ to carry go. SOUTH SOUTH zonal rally in Port-Hacourt produced 4million voters signatures asked GEJ to carry go. North central, Northwest, Northeast and Southeast are still mobilising signatures that will asked GEJ to carry go. Are all these signatures real or imaginary? If they actually are, how much exchange hands?

The TAN campaign Team is on campaign train against INEC electoral instructions.TAN campaign conducted rallies in SE,SW and SS that for the first time any known record any where in the world that citizens are made/induced to sign a register to show support for any political candidate or Party as if the collected signatures translate in a yet to be conducted voting in the year 2015,barring that such signatories will still be there if God so will to cast their votes. Correct me if i am wrong that those that signed register can translate into actual part of a possible total votes that will decide the out come of 2015 general election. Many Nigerians see through hunger and deprivation that our votes if not sold for poverty is our power to install good governance .

I remember Late Emperor. General Sani Abacha days when all political parties endorsed him and some even organized 1million match for him in Abuja to deceive him. OBJ was also deceived , they asked him to continue third term in office because he was in charge then and he coughed money. IBB also coughed his looted fund when they deceived him to contest in 2003 & 2011 presidential election. Iyiola Omisore in Osun was also deceived and he was forced to cough some of his ill-gotten wealth when he was asked to contest against an anointed candidate which he loss woefully. Many people that cannot win their houses have been deceived in other to pump money out in which they later lost. It is not different in many states where virtually all beneficiaries are telling their governors, Senators,& honourable members to carry go despite poor performance . After they collected their monies and empty their pockets, they still deny them and pay them back with an abuse of any kind.

How do u persuade ( or dissuade) a man whose mind is fully made up to contest 2015 elections? Now it’s obvious the body language (apologies to Tambuwal) says the same. This man is obviously gonna run again. He isn’t doing any illegality. Though he said that his presidency isn’t worth any man’s blood,even though correctly,is rather a smokescreen. Any wise person would have seen it coming. I actually saw it coming right from the tail end of 2010 and told all who cared to listen.

If a man assesses himself, and feels that  his country has been worse off under him than at any other time, and that there is even almost no country again, why then does he jostle to hold aloft a flag that is at half-mast? It pays everybody that he drops such flag, and give room for change. If the air around you is stultifying, almost to point of asphyxiating the populace, then quit, and give room for a breath of fresh air. That should be a food for thought for him and his hossanna grand opera of worshippers, praise-singers and bootlickers.

Is his contesting gonna move Nigeria forward or backwards? Time will decide and many are remembered in history for good or bad purposes. Surely,his would be in the sandmarks of history in Nigeria.

I know incumbents can be defeated despite all intimidation and rigging if the people are united and tenacious in their will. Countless examples abound, even in Africa – Kenya, Zambia, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and even Ghana. I hope our votes will count this time like it did 4yrs ago,despite glaring irregularities in some states.

It is high time President Goodluck realised that the electorates are wiser now and cannot be fooled again. Federal might or the so called incumbency factor cannot be a substitute for dismal failure. The election that was held in Osun state is a pointer to the character of the forthcoming nationwide elections in February .

Nigerian politicians , especially the president and other PDP members seeking elective posts should better realised that goodwill is the most important factor that will determine their fortune or misfortune. The goodwill is earned. It is not a commodity you buy overnight with market place politrickcian.
Those who believes that gun and braggadocio will fetch them votes are better advised to change tactics.

Any person with a record of poor performance must recognise that he can never enjoy any iota of goodwill. The dose for winning an election in Nigeria is grade A level of performance, meeting the yearnings and expectations of the governed is the surest way for winning and election. Any other medicine can only lead to anarchy.

GEJ don’t be deceived by business politicians who will later turn their back against you if things don’t go your way.

Disregard Nostra II to your peril!
God rules in the affairs of men !

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